MMA CMO and CEO Summit 2023: Still Delivering Growth in Challenging Times

July 23, 2023 - July 25, 2023

GroundTruth’s Executive team looks forward to joining an intimate and exclusive group of global thought leaders at the invitation only MMA CEO & CMO Summit in Napa, CA.

Making the right investments in growth has always been tough but during these challenging times it’s only going to get harder to be more confident and impactful in those choices. CMO & CEO Summit brings together the best thinking and experienced of peers, and a whole lot of proprietary science for you and your organization to not just survive, but thrive.

MMA’s CMO & CEO Summit has run for 12 years and is an exclusive, invitation-only event that continues to deliver the experience you’ve come to expect. Featuring luxurious accommodations, white-glove service, the backdrop of Napa and superior culinary experiences, with an incredible line-up of speakers that will leave you feeling inspired and motivated to finish the year strong!