GroundTruth On-Location at Brand Insider Summit focused on QSR

June 3 - 6, 2024

GroundTruth will be on-location in New Orleans for the MediaPost Brand Insider Summit: QSR!

Jessi Hamilton, Sales Director, will be discussing “The Secret Sauce: GroundTruth’s recipe for driving and measuring restaurant visits” at 10:40am on Tuesday June 4.  We look forward to you joining the conversation!

Catering To What Customers Crave

It’s harder than ever to be a brand marketer in the QSR and fast-casual industry. Prices continue to rise, customers are more selective about where they spend their money, and the competition to capture your fair share of stomach is fierce. But, let’s face it: everyone has to eat. So, how do restaurants position themselves to stand out among all the options someone can choose from? How do you become the brand they crave?

MediaPost’s QSR Brand Insider Summit is the only place where the best marketers from the biggest quick-service and fast-casual restaurants come together to have real, in-depth conversations about what they’re experiencing and what’s working in the industry. 

Let’s Connect