How GroundTruth Can Help

GroundTruth’s ad solutions powered by precise real-world behavior can help you:

Reach key potential voters and eliminate wasted impressions
Target specific pockets, such as congressional districts, with precision
Raise funds for political campaigns with geo and demo targeted ads

Target Key Locations

Leverage GroundTruth media solutions to target locally or on a macro scale.

Available in all 50 states
Target and reach with precision, residents by:

  • Neighborhoods
  • Zip Codes
  • Sex

  • Townships
  • Cities
  • Counties

  • DMA
  • Voting Districts*
  • Nationwide

*State or Federal

Target Key Constituants

Reach key constituents based on their lifestyle and behavioral patterns.

  • Moms
  • Suburban Moms
  • Luxury Shoppers
  • Pet Owners
  • Recently Moved

  • Gen X
  • Gen Z
  • Millennials
  • DIYers
  • Sports Enthusiasts

  • Agricultural Enthusiasts
  • Walmart Shopers
  • Whole Foods Shoppers
  • …. and more!

Reach additional voters using GroundTruth’s catalog of Third-Party Data lists. Categorize, filter, and target key audiences by:

  • Household Income
  • Age
  • Sex
  • Race/Ethnicity
  • Occupation (i.e. farmers, construction works, middle management, etc.

  • Union Members
  • Party (i.e. registered Democrats, registered GOP, Libertarian, or Independents)
  • Voter Registration

  • Voted Last Election/Did Not Vote
  • Ideology (i.e. Conservative, Liberal, Libertarian, Independent)
  • Member of the LGBTQ Community
  • Environmental (i.e. Electric Vehicle, Green)
  • …and more!

Multichannel Approach

Inform voters of their options this election season with a cohesive and multichannel campaign to reinforce messaging and increase the impact of your ads.

  • Mobile
  • Desktop
  • Digital Out-of-home
  • Direct Mail
  • CTV and OTT
  • Print
  • Local TV

Leverage GroundTruth’s audiences to run hyper-targeted campaigns in your key markets.


Through Addy, a division of GroundTruth, advertise on local news programs. This gives marketers access to a local audience, dynamic messaging, and credibility.

Campaigns on local morning news

ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX local affiliates

GroundTruth QR Codes

Go beyond impressions and drive measurable, meaningful engagement. Capture scans and build your own 1st party data. GroundTruth QR codes can also be customized to fit your candidate or party’s logo.

  • Increase awareness
  • Measure engagement
  • Capture scans to build 1st party audiences to retarget

Best Practices


To ensure scalability, mix and match tactics and create additional ad groups for a healthy media mix.

Creative Ad Sizing

Use multiple creative formats from static and video to multiple creative ad sizes to run your media across more available inventory.

Campaign Approval

Send campaign creative to GroundTruth for legal approval prior to campaign launch.

District Selection

Submit all districts to GroundTruth prior to campaign launch. We recommend a minimum 2-day lead time.


Check campaign scale before finalizing your budget in order to make any necessary adjustments.

Ready to Get Started?

Learn how our platform can help your political campaign in the 2024 election.