Use Real-World Behavior to Power Omnichannel Marketing Strategies

Omnichannel marketing strategies drive better efficiency and returns for companies. Learn how to turn foot traffic into better omnichannel marketing.

The best marketing campaigns feed into other customer touchpoints. Each time a customer engages with your company, new media and messaging options should open up for them. Not only does this help marketing teams work more efficiently, but it also creates an omnichannel marketing experience that customers expect. 

If you haven’t used real-world behavior to improve the performance of your entire marketing operation, the time to start is now. To help, here are three ways to use foot traffic and other real-world behaviors to power omnichannel marketing strategies. 

1. Make Retargeting More Effective 

83% of customers still make their purchases in physical stores. What’s more, almost 70% of online carts are abandoned by shoppers. We also know that customers research products online,to end up making their final purchase offline.  

When considered together, it’s safe to assume that companies might overspend on retargeting customers that have already purchased offline. Because some media platforms don’t incorporate real-world behavior into their targeting, they show ads to customers that have already converted. 

Make retargeting spend more efficient by using a platform that can incorporate offline data to build more precise audiences and more effective ad campaigns. 

2. Empower Your Community with User-Generated Content 

No matter what industry you’re in, a strong community can make a huge difference in everything from revenue to the lifetime value of a customer. Whether customers post reviews or fill social media with images from your location, all of the content they create on behalf of your company will inspire new customers to try your products and services. 

Of course, marketers can use online behaviors to highlight the strength of their community, but it is much more powerful to show people gathered in physical locations rather than website traffic numbers, for example. 

To get the most out of the foot traffic that ad campaigns drive to your locations, reward customers for posting their photos, posting reviews, and referring their friends and family.

3. Identify Opportunities for Hyper-Local Campaigns

Finally, companies can use foot traffic to identify trends and customer advocates for hyper-local campaigns. National campaigns are helpful for top-of-funnel marketing goals. But particularly with franchise businesses, local campaigns often work best for the bottom-funnel conversions executives are looking for. 

Companies should use in-store experiences to reward and encourage customer loyalty. But they should also use repeat customers to make audience targeting more precise. The products in-store customers love should be the focus of ad creative. Record the times your locations are most busy and use that data to refine when you show your ads in each market. 

Companies can also use foot traffic to understand their biggest competitor in each market and target their customers to win them over. All this information will make local ad campaigns more cost-effective and produce better ROAS for your locations. 

Learn More About How GroundTruth Uses Real-World Behavior to Drive Real Business Results

To learn more about how to maximize your ad campaigns to drive foot traffic, contact us today! We can show you what’s possible across all major ad channels.