Foot Traffic Attribution

Foot Traffic Attribution

What is Foot Traffic Attribution?

Foot traffic attribution, or footfall attribution, is the ability to attribute physical store traffic to your digital ads. Foot traffic attribution connects the real world behavior of consumers to the ad exposure they received. It is the ability to quantify how much the out-of-home or digital exposure influenced them to visit a physical store location.

How Does Foot Traffic Attribution Work at GroundTruth?

GroundTruth uses our powerful Blueprint technology to verify foot traffic for our customers. With over 5 million Blueprints, GroundTruth can verify when shoppers visit a retail block or a specific location. We use signal data from our Blueprinted locations and compare that with the people who saw one of the ads our customer placed. We can then show both Verified and Projected Visits. Verified Visits are those we know occurred after a shopper saw an ad. Projected Visits is the foot traffic we can assume occurred because of the customer’s ad campaigns, but we don’t have a verified signal.

What Insights Can Companies Gain from Footfall Attribution?

As more customers voice privacy concerns, digital, and specifically mobile identifiers, are less and less reliable. That means two things. First, media platforms need to work to create other identifiers to ensure the highest quality audience data. And second, companies need to prioritize foot traffic as a performance metric.

With footfall data and verified footfall attribution, companies can make direct connections with their target customers. In-store visits show a higher level of intent and a deeper loyalty to your products and services than online visits. What companies learn about the people who visit their store is much more valuable, in terms of real business results, than online traffic.

How Does Foot Traffic Attribution Help in the Marketing Funnel

Foot traffic attribution can help the marketing funnel be more efficient, and ultimately, improve return-on-ad-spend. Companies know that shoppers are more likely to convert once they are inside the store. Not only are they more likely to purchase the product they originally intended, but they are more likely to make impulse purchases in-store as well. Those are the kinds of customers marketers should be investing in.

When a campaign drives noticeable foot traffic, marketers should look deeper into the messaging, the audience segments, and the media mix used to get those results. Those learnings can then be applied across the entire customer journey to help convert audiences at each new step of the funnel.

Further Reading on Foot Traffic

To learn more about Foot Traffic-related topics, read our top blog posts:

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