Marketing Glossary

Curious about a certain marketing or advertising term? Our glossary has you covered.

Digital Out-of-home (DOOH)

What is Digital Out-Of-Home (DOOH)? DOOH, or Digital Out-of-Home, refers to advertising that is displayed digitally in locations outside the home, in public spaces such as stadiums, shopping centers, retail stores, museums, transportation hubs, restaurants, corporate buildings, etc. DOOH advertising projects digital displays such as video, images, weather data, menus, etc., and allows marketers to reach customers in the public realm, not just on their personal devices or at home. Sign up for Ads Manager Learn how to buy and manage all of our available advertising products in our easy-to-use self-serve platform. Sign up Subscribe to our Newsletters Stay on top of the latest location marketing news, strategies, tips and tricks. Subscribe See what location can do for you. Contact Us

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Data Governance

What is Data Governance? Data governance is a framework (or guide book) that establishes rules by which an organization or company uses its data or the data of individuals to ensure that the correct data is informing high-value business functions. Data governance is important because it ensures that data is used properly, efficiently, and safely. Data governance guarantees the security of information, helping to improve its reliability, quality and protection. Data governance is top-of-mind for GroundTruth’s initiatives. Check out why GroundTruth is one of the most-trusted adtech companies due to our MRC Accreditation.

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Demand-Side Platform (DSP)

What is a Demand-Side Platform (DSP)? A demand-side platform (DSP) is platform in which advertisers can purchase digital ads from a marketplace. DSP marketing allows advertisers to manage their campaigns in one location. The GroundTruth Self Service Advertising Platform is the only omnichannel ads solution built to drive performance. Businesses can use the ads manager to deliver the accuracy and precision of GroundTruth location-advertising products in an easy-to-use self-serve platform. Sign up for Ads Manager Learn how to buy and manage all of our available advertising products in our easy-to-use self-serve platform. Sign up Subscribe to our Newsletters Stay on top of the latest location marketing news, strategies, tips and tricks. Subscribe See what location can do for you. Contact Us

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Addressable TV

What is Addressable TV? Addressable TV is the ability for an advertiser to serve different ads to different audience segments who are watching the same TV program. Addressable TV’s purpose is to target specific cohorts to drive sales and sign ups. It enables brands to reach new audiences on new platforms to drive performance across brand, intent and more. Sign up for Ads Manager Learn how to buy and manage all of our available advertising products in our easy-to-use self-serve platform. Sign up Subscribe to our Newsletters Stay on top of the latest location marketing news, strategies, tips and tricks. Subscribe See what location can do for you. Contact Us

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What is Campaign Attribution? Campaign attribution is the identification of actions (serving ads) that contribute to a desired outcome (a conversion). Marketing attribution provides insight into which combination of events influences desired behavior. Sign up for Ads Manager Learn how to buy and manage all of our available advertising products in our easy-to-use self-serve platform. Sign up Subscribe to our Newsletters Stay on top of the latest location marketing news, strategies, tips and tricks. Subscribe See what location can do for you. Contact Us

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Contextual Targeting

What is Contextual Targeting? Contextual targeting, or contextual marketing, is the act of placing display ads on websites that are related to the ad’s content. For example, a company using contextual targeting would place ads for yoga apparel on a yoga studio’s website, or ads for cheap flights on a travel website. Contextual marketing is marketing using keywords or topics. GroundTruth’s contextual targeting is designed to ensure ads are targeted to people based on the precise context of what they’re looking at, when they are looking at it, or where they are looking at it. Sign up for Ads Manager Learn how to buy and manage all of our available advertising products in our easy-to-use self-serve platform. Sign up Subscribe to our Newsletters Stay on top of the latest location marketing news, strategies, tips and tricks. Subscribe See what location can do for you. Contact Us

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What are Cookies? Cookies can be thought of as tags placed on a webpage. These tags help advertisers identify a device across different websites. Cookies collectively help build a profile of internet users based off of browsing behaviors over time. Further Reading Cookies Are Disappearing in 2024: What This Means for Marketers & Advertisers Sign up for Ads Manager Learn how to buy and manage all of our available advertising products in our easy-to-use self-serve platform. Sign up Subscribe to our Newsletters Stay on top of the latest location marketing news, strategies, tips and tricks. Subscribe See what location can do for you. Contact Us

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Cost Per Click (CPC)

What is Cost-Per-Click (CPC)? Cost-per-click, or CPC marketing, is an advertising practice in which an advertiser pays a cost to a publisher everytime a website visitor clicks on their ad. Cost-per-click is a common pay structure in digital advertising and is commonly used on desktop and mobile. Sign up for Ads Manager Learn how to buy and manage all of our available advertising products in our easy-to-use self-serve platform. Sign up Subscribe to our Newsletters Stay on top of the latest location marketing news, strategies, tips and tricks. Subscribe See what location can do for you. Contact Us

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Dynamic Creative Optimization

What is Dynamic Creative Optimization? Dynamic Creative Optimization is a type of display advertising technology that creates personalized ads based on real-time data. DCO advertising works by taking real-time user behavior into account and providing the user with personalized ad content based on their browsing behavior. DCO ads are automatically generated and usually perform better than static ads. Sign up for Ads Manager Learn how to buy and manage all of our available advertising products in our easy-to-use self-serve platform. Sign up Subscribe to our Newsletters Stay on top of the latest location marketing news, strategies, tips and tricks. Subscribe See what location can do for you. Contact Us

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What is AdTech? AdTech is an abbreviation for “advertising technology” and refers to the software and technology platforms that are used to manage, analyze and deliver ads. AdTech tools and software are used by advertisers to reach digital audences on mobile, desktop, and television to create display, video, social, and search ads. Advertisers use AdTech to maximize their advertising campaigns. Sign up for Ads Manager Learn how to buy and manage all of our available advertising products in our easy-to-use self-serve platform. Sign up Subscribe to our Newsletters Stay on top of the latest location marketing news, strategies, tips and tricks. Subscribe See what location can do for you. Contact Us

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